The Difference Between the DELF and DALF French Language Proficiency Exams

The DELF and DALF exams are two different French language proficiency exams. The DELF exam is aimed at lower level students, while the DALF exam is designed for higher level students.

The DELF exam has four different levels (A1, A2, B1, B2), while the DALF exam has two levels (C1, C2).

Both exams are based on the 4 skills:

  1. oral comprehension,
  2. oral production (speak),
  3. written comprehension (read a text and answer questions),
  4. written production.

DELF stands for Diplôme d’études en langue française. DELF exams are taken in France, the majority of francophone countries, and Quebec but also in all countries with an Alliance Française.

DALF stands for Diplôme approfondi de langue française. DALF exams are taken in Canada, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon, Senegal and many other countries around the world.

DELF is offered at four different levels (A1-B2) while DALF offers two different levels (C1/C2). Below you will find an explanation of each exam level.

1. DELF stands for Diplôme d’études en langue française

DELF is an acronym that stands for Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française. The DELF exam is a test that assesses your ability to speak, read, write, and understand French.

The DELF exam is divided into four levels, each of which corresponds to a different level of proficiency. Level one (A1) is the most basic, while level four (B2) is the most advanced.

If you’re planning on studying or working in a French-speaking country, you’ll need to take the DELF exam in order to demonstrate your proficiency in the language.

The DELF exam is offered by the French Ministry of Education, and it’s recognized by universities and employers around the world. So if you’re looking to brush up on your French before your next trip to France, sign up for the DELF exam!

We can prepare you for the DELF exam because Christian is a certified member of the DELF jury.

✔️ Ecoute & lis…

Présentation générale du DELF

Le DELF est un diplôme officiel, de qualité, harmonisé sur les niveaux du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues.

Ce diplôme est reconnu dans le monde entier, et il est valable à vie.

Selon le niveau passé, le DELF peut valoriser un curriculum vitae (CV), et permettre d’obtenir un emploi plus facilement dans une entreprise où la langue parlée est le français.

Le DELF B1 permet d’obtenir la nationalité française. Le DELF B2, et de plus en plus le DALF C1, permettent de rentrer à l’université française, européenne ou francophone, et dans certaines grandes écoles.

Les publics concernés

Le DELF « tout public » est destiné aux adultes et grands adolescents, étrangers ou Français, qui souhaitent valoriser leurs compétences dans la langue française à des fins personnelles ou professionnelles.

La version dite « tout public » implique que tous les thèmes de la société peuvent être abordés dans les exercices sur les plans public, personnel, professionnel et éducationnel.

Source : France Education International

2. DELF exams are taken in France, the majority of francophone countries, and Quebec

DELF (Diplôme d’études en langue française) exams are taken in France and the majority of francophone countries and lot of countries around the world.

They are a series of diplomas that attest to your ability to use French in a professional or academic context.

Are you looking to take your French skills to the next level? If so, consider registering for a DELF exam! These exams are taken all over the world, and they’re perfect for students who want to prove their mastery of the language.

DELF exams are a great way to show your French skills off to the world. If you want to learn more about these exams or sign up, be sure to visit our website. And don’t forget- if you’re looking for a fun and challenging way to improve your French skills, consider registering for a DELF exam today!

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3. DALF stands for Diplôme approfondi de langue française

Are you looking to take your French skills to the next level? If so, the DALF exam might be right for you! But what is DALF, exactly? Let me break it down for you.

The DALF is a diploma awarded to students who have achieved an advanced level of fluency in French. In order to qualify for the exam. So, if you’re feeling confident in your French language abilities, go ahead and sign up for the DALF! I promise it will be a challenging but rewarding experience.

The DALF exam is an advanced level diploma awarded to students who have achieved fluency in French. It’s not for the faint of heart, but if you’ve mastered DELF and are looking for something even harder…

Go ahead and sign up! Bon courage!

4. DELF is offered at four different levels (A1-B2) while DALF offers two different levels (C1/C2)

We are going to be talking about the DELF and DALF exams. These exams are offered in different levels depending on your French proficiency level. The DELF is offered at 4 different levels while the DALF offers two different levels. Let’s take a closer look at what these exams entail. 

The DELF can be taken at the following levels:

  1. A1: beginner
  2. A2: intermediate (-)
  3. B1 : intermediate (+)
  4. B2 : advanced

The total duration of the tests is approximately 3 hours. More or less, depending on whether you take the A1 or B2. Of course, the B2 test is the longest!

The DALF can be taken at the following levels:

  1. C1: expert
  2. C2: French bilingual

The total duration of the tests is approximately 4 hours.

The DALF C1 may be required for admission to certain major French schools. It is also an advantage for CampusFrance applications, for scholarships, for immigration to Canada and for access to certain jobs.

Changes in DELF and DALF marking

During the year 2022, the DELF and DALF exams underwent changes in the way they were corrected by the examiners.
We will soon prepare an article to explain the consequences of these changes for you, the future candidate.

You know that feeling when someone asks you, “So, do you want to study in France?” and then they proceed to tell you about all the great things about studying there. How amazing it is! The food! The culture! And now how much easier it will be for us because we speak French too… It can be a little overwhelming.

But don’t worry – we have your back with this guide on two of the most popular exams available as well as their differences so that you can make an educated decision before taking what could end up being one heck of a gamble.

First off, let me start by saying congratulations on making such a wise choice and getting started early (yay!).

If you’re thinking of taking one of these exams, or if you just want to learn more about them, contact me! You won’t regret it.

Vive la France !

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