The DELF A2 is a French language proficiency test that students take to improve their skills. It covers all four language skills:
- French listening,
- French reading,
- French writing,
- and French speaking.
The DELF A2 is divided into two parts: written and oral.
Students who have basic french skills can take the delf A2 which will help them progress in their learning by giving them an evaluation of where they are at currently as well as what areas need more work on.

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The delf A2 is recognized around the world so it is important for people to know about this exam if they want to be able to communicate with others in other countries or even just practice their current level of french proficiency.
1. What is the DELF A2 and what is it for?
DELF stands for Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française and is an international qualification awarded to students who have attained a certain level of competency in the French language.
There are different levels, DELF A1, A2, B1, B2 and DALF C1 and C2. Read our article about the difference between the DELF and DALF.
The DELF A2 is considered an intermediate level qualification. It is designed for students who can use French effectively for travel and everyday purposes. If you are thinking of taking the DELF A2 exam, or if you have already taken it and would like some tips on how to improve your score, read on!
So, there you have it! The DELF A2 exam in a nutshell. If you are thinking of taking the exam, or if you have already taken it and would like some tips on how to improve your score, you can contact me for some help.
And remember, practice makes perfect! Do you want to learn French online? Check out our website for more information about our online French courses.
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2. What skills does the DELF A2 test?
I’m often asked by my students which skills the DELF A2 test evaluates. So, I thought I’d put together a quick post on what to expect from the exam. Keep in mind that this is just a general overview – be sure to consult the official DELF A2 syllabus for more specific information.
What we can say about A2 level according to the CECR:
A2 corresponds to a basic user level (intermediate or common level).
This means that you have the following abilities:
- Understand isolated sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, work).
- communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.
- Can describe in simple terms his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.
First and foremost, the DELF A2 exam tests your ability to use French effectively in everyday communication scenarios. This includes speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
In addition, there are certain cultural knowledge components that you will be evaluated on. Specifically, you will be assessed on your understanding of French culture and customs, as well as your ability to interact politely with native speakers.
So if you’re preparing for the DELF A2, you should definitely brush up on what some of these cultural topics are!
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How do I study for the DELF A2?
There are some great tips put together by our teacher and blogger Margaux over at French Together (make sure to check out her blog – she has lots of resources and advice about learning French).
She mentions that it might take between 100-200 hours to prepare for the exam depending on your level.
That’s a lot of time, but one way to make sure you’re scheduling enough is to plan out one hour each day where you’ll be deeply focused on DELF preparatif.
3. How is the DELF A2 divided?
Wondering how the DELF A2 is divided? Let me give you a little tour!
The first section is all about language basics. This includes grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.
There is no specific grammar or vocabulary test, but these skills are noted in your written and oral production.
The second section focuses on French oral communication skills. You’ll need to be able to hold a conversation in French to pass this part!
This part is very important. You should be able to communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar topics and activities.
Finally, the last section tests your French listening skills. Make sure you know how to understand spoken French before taking the exam! You should be able to understand very frequent expressions and vocabulary related to things that concern you very closely (e.g. yourself, your family, shopping, the immediate environment, work).
You should be able to understand the gist of simple, clear announcements and messages.
4. Who should take the DELF A2?
So, you’re thinking about taking the DELF A2 exam? Great choice! But who should take the exam? Well, that depends on your level of French.
If you’re a beginner, I would recommend waiting until you have a basic understanding of the language before sitting for the exam.
If you’re at an intermediate level, the DELF A2 is a great option.
And if you’re already an advanced French speaker, why not challenge yourself and take the DELF B1 and even the DELF B2?
So, what do you think? Are you ready to take the DELF A2 exam? It’s a great choice for intermediate French learners. And if you’re an advanced speaker, don’t be afraid to challenge yourself with the B1 or B2level!
If you’re interested in learning more about the DELF exams or want to sign up for a course, visit our website. We offer online courses that are perfect for busy learners like you.
Bon courage ! 😀
5. What are the benefits of taking the DELF A2?
So, you’ve decided to take the DELF A2 exam? Congratulations! This is a big step in your French learning journey. But what are the benefits of taking the DELF A2? Here are four reasons why you should consider sitting for the exam:
1. You’ll get certified in French language proficiency.
2. You’ll have an official document proving your level of French.
3. You’ll have access to exclusive job opportunities.
4. You’ll be able to track your progress and see how far you’ve come!
The DELF A2 is the second level of a certificate that proves your French skills. In order to pass the DELF A2, you need to be able to understand and use simple phrases in conversation, and be familiar with grammar topics typically taught in second-year high school classes.
What are the benefits of taking the DELF A2? Well, if you want to learn more about French culture or travel to a French-speaking country, then this certificate can help you do that!
Plus, passing the DELF A2 could lead to better job opportunities down the road. Are you ready to take on this challenge? If so, we’re here to help!
Articles that might interest you:
- What is included in the DELF A2?
- FAQ on the DELF French exam
- French Exam DELF B1: Everything You Need to Know
- Everything you need to know about DELF
- The DELF and TCF French exam: what’s the difference?
- How are French DELF B2 students graded?
- The Difference Between the DELF and DALF French Language Proficiency Exams
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