The Imperative in French: How to Conjugate Verbs in Imperative? When do You Have to Use the Imperative?

When you're a student of French, there are a lot of things to remember when conjugating verbs. There's the stem, the endings, and when to use the imperative form. But don't worry – I'm here to help! In this post, I'll walk you through everything you need to know about the imperative in French. So sit down, take a deep breath, and let's get started!

You might be asking yourself, “When do I have to use the imperative in French?” Well, wonder no more! In this blog post, we’ll go over the basics of how to conjugate verbs in the imperative form, and when it’s appropriate to use this particular verb tense. So put on your learning cap and let’s get started!

The 10 Irregular Verbs in the French Subjunctive Mood

French is a rich and complex language. French grammar has many facets, including the French subjunctive mood, which is often poorly understood by English speakers. In this article we will explore some of the 10 irregular verbs in the French subjunctive mood, as well as their conjugations for various tenses and persons.

One of the best things about being a French teacher is seeing my students get excited about learning the language. And one of the most challenging aspects of learning French is mastering the subjunctive mood. But don’t worry, it’s not as difficult as it seems! There are only 10 irregular verbs in the French subjunctive mood, and I’m going to share them with you today. So read on, and learn how to use these tricky verbs like a pro! 🙂

Depuis, pendant, en, il y a, dans

As a teacher of French, I am frequently asked about the use of prepositions in French. In particular, students are curious about how to express time using prepositions. This can be a tricky concept for English speakers to master, but with a little practice it becomes easy to use these prepositions correctly in French! How to use pendant, dans, il y a, depuis, en? I will explain everything.

Bonjour Students 🙂
In French, as in English, there are prepositions that indicate time. But, in French, the prepositions are different than in English. So, if you’re a French student and you want to know how to express time in French correctly, what’s the difference between depuis, en, il y a, pendant and dans, you’ve come to the right place!

All the secrets of the French gerund!

Hey, students of French! Do you know what the gerund is? No? Well, don't worry, because I'm about to tell you everything you need to know. The gerund is a very important part of French grammar, and it's not difficult to learn at all. So keep reading for all the details. You'll be able to use the gerund like a pro in no time!

As a French teacher, I have heard all sorts of questions about the French gerund. Some people seem to think it’s a really complicated thing, but it’s actually not that difficult to understand!
In this blog post, I’ll explain everything you need to know about the French gerund. So read on if you want to learn all the secrets of this handy verb form!

French verb moods

Howdy, French students! In this post, we're going to learn about verb moods in French. But don't worry – we won't just be learning about them, we'll also be practicing how to use them! ;) So put on your thinking caps and let's get started.

Hey French students! How’s your verb mood game? Verb moods are definitely one of the trickier aspects of the French language, but with a little practice you’ll be able to nail them like a pro! In this post, we’ll take a look at some of the most common verb moods in French and how they’re used. So put on your thinking caps and let’s get started!

How to use “en” and “y” pronoun in French?

How to use "en" and "y" pronoun in French? The pronoun en to replace a quantity. The pronoun en to replace what is after "de...". The pronoun y to replace a place. The pronoun y to replace what is after "Ă ..."

I know that the French pronouns “en” and “y” are not always easy to use in French! Especially since you also need to know the French tonic pronouns and French indirect pronouns if you want to make sure you don’t make any mistakes.

In this post, I explain everything about the pronouns EN and Y. And as always, you’ll find the Little Bonus PDF with the lesson summary and exercises with the correction to practice.

Difference between DONT and DUQUEL in French

What's the difference between DONT and DUQUEL? Most students think there is no difference, but there actually is a big difference! I'm going to explain the difference between these two words, so you can use them correctly in your French conversations! Stay tuned!

So, you’re trying to learn French and you come across the words “dont” and “duquel”. They both look like they mean the same thing, but they don’t – so what’s the difference? Nestled within the complicated world of French grammar is this little gem – a duo of tiny words that can throw even the most seasoned student for a loop. Let’s take a closer look at these tricky little guys, and see if we can’t clear up any confusion.

10 common French verbs conjugated in the present tense. Beware of traps!

voilĂ  your crash course in common French verbs. These are the top 10 verbs you'll need to conjugate in the present tense, along with some traps to watch out for. By the end of this post, you'll be a pro at conjugating French verbs!

Are you studying French and trying to get a handle on all the different verb conjugations? Well, you’re not alone. It can be tough to keep track of all the different forms, especially when some of them seem to be traps just waiting to trip you up.
Here are 10 common French verbs conjugated in the present tense, along with some potential traps to watch out for. With a little practice, you’ll be speaking like a native in no time!

The Direct Object Complement in French (C.O.D.) and direct complement pronouns (le, la, les…)

So, the next time you're in a French class and your teacher tells you to use the accusative case, don't worry! You now know that it's just another way of saying direct object. And as we all know, knowing your direct objects is key to mastering French (and any other language, for that matter). À la prochaine!

In French, verbs have objects. There are three types of objects: direct object (complement d’objet direct or C.O.D.), indirect object (complement d’objet indirect or C.O.I.), and prepositional phrase object (complement d’objet de la prĂ©position). Today we’re going to focus on the direct object complement, which is also called the accusative case. This is a fancy way of saying that it’s the thing that gets hit by the action of the verb! In English, this is usually done with a pronoun like “me” or “him”; in French, it’s done with a specific set of pronouns…