10 common French verbs conjugated in the present tense. Beware of traps!

voilà your crash course in common French verbs. These are the top 10 verbs you'll need to conjugate in the present tense, along with some traps to watch out for. By the end of this post, you'll be a pro at conjugating French verbs!

Are you studying French and trying to get a handle on all the different verb conjugations? Well, you’re not alone. It can be tough to keep track of all the different forms, especially when some of them seem to be traps just waiting to trip you up.
Here are 10 common French verbs conjugated in the present tense, along with some potential traps to watch out for. With a little practice, you’ll be speaking like a native in no time!

The Direct Object Complement in French (C.O.D.) and direct complement pronouns (le, la, les…)

So, the next time you're in a French class and your teacher tells you to use the accusative case, don't worry! You now know that it's just another way of saying direct object. And as we all know, knowing your direct objects is key to mastering French (and any other language, for that matter). À la prochaine!

In French, verbs have objects. There are three types of objects: direct object (complement d’objet direct or C.O.D.), indirect object (complement d’objet indirect or C.O.I.), and prepositional phrase object (complement d’objet de la préposition). Today we’re going to focus on the direct object complement, which is also called the accusative case. This is a fancy way of saying that it’s the thing that gets hit by the action of the verb! In English, this is usually done with a pronoun like “me” or “him”; in French, it’s done with a specific set of pronouns…

French Tipping Etiquette: 10 Things Everyone Should Know

As a teacher, I often hear students talking about their trips to France. They always seem to have so many questions about tipping etiquette in the country. In this blog post, I'll outline ten things that everyone should know before they travel to France and tip someone there. Keep reading for all the details!

As a teacher, I’ve noticed that tipping in France can be a bit confusing for students. In this blog post, I’m going to list 10 things everyone should know about French tipping etiquette. Whether you’re visiting Paris for the first time or you’re a seasoned Francophile, make sure you read through this list! By the end, you’ll be an expert on French tipping culture and will know exactly how much to give your waiter or waitress. Bon voyage!

What is the “futur proche” and when do you have to use it in French?

So there you have it - futur proche in a nutshell! This tense is used to talk about things that will happen relatively soon, so it's perfect for everyday conversations. If you're interested in learning more about French grammar (or just want to impress your friends), be sure to check out our other posts. And if you're ready to start speaking French today, why not try one of our free online courses? Bon courage et à bientôt!

I’m sure you all know that in English, we use the future tense to talk about things that will happen in the future. But did you know that French has a similar construction? In fact, there are a few different ways to say “future” in French, and each one has a slightly different meaning. So if you’re planning on learning French in the near future (or just want to impress your friends), keep reading for a quick lesson on the future tense – futur proche – in French!

The French and their love of coffee

You know that coffee is a big deal in France, right? Well, I was having a conversation with some of my French friends the other day and I got to thinking about why exactly that is. After all, coffee isn’t the only drink that people can get caffeine from. So what makes coffee so special in France? In this blog post, I’m going to share my thoughts on the matter. Stay tuned!

Café au lait, café crème, café noir. Do any of these sound familiar? These are all types of coffee that can be found in France. What may not be so familiar to some is the way that French people drink their coffee. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the different ways that French people enjoy their coffee, whether it’s at a café or at home. So pour yourself a cup and join us as we explore the world of French coffee!

10 french idiomatic expressions with animals

Ça va ? Do you know how to speak French? Oui, oui! You probably learned a few basic French phrases in high school or college, but can you use them in everyday conversation? Check out this list of 10 popular French idiomatic expressions with animals. Some are funny, some are cute, and all of them will help make your French sound more natural. Bonne chance! (Good luck!)

If you’re a student of French, you know that the language is full of idiomatic expressions. Idiomatic expressions are phrases that don’t have a literal translation, and they can be difficult to understand if you don’t know what they mean. In this blog post, we’ll explore 10 French idiomatic expressions with animals. These expressions will help you sound like a native speaker and make your French conversations more interesting. So let’s get started!

Position of pronouns and negation words in French

Imagine you are a student of French. You know the basics – how to say "hello," order food and ask for directions. But there's one thing that's been puzzling you: where do pronouns and negation words go in a sentence? Do they always come at the beginning, or can they appear anywhere? Fear not, intrepid student! In this blog post, we'll explore the position of pronouns and negation words in French sentences. So put on your thinking cap, and let's get started!

Some people think that French is just a “silly language” because the position of pronouns and negation words can seem a bit strange at first. However, once you understand the rules, French can be just as logical as any other language! In this post, I’ll explain how to place pronouns and negation words in French sentences. So if you’re ready to learn some fun facts about this “silly” language, keep reading!

10 French idioms related to music

If you're learning French, you're probably aware that the language has its own unique set of idioms. Idioms are expressions that don't necessarily make literal sense, but are used all the time in everyday conversation. Today, we'll be looking at ten French idioms related to music. Some of them might surprise you! Bonne écoute! (Enjoy listening!)

Music is a big part of French culture, and there are lots of idiomatic expressions related to it. Here are 10 of the most common ones! How many can you understand? Don’t worry if you don’t know all of them yet—you will after reading this post! 😉

Is the French manicure really from France?

The French manicure is a popular beauty trend that many people believe originated in France. However, there is some controversy over this claim. In this blog post, we will explore the origin of the French manicure and consider whether it truly originated in France. Stay tuned!

Here is an essential question to which one must absolutely know the answer when studying French: does the French manicure come from France?
There’s a lot of debate over where the French manicure actually came from. Some say France, while others claim it originated in the United States. So, who’s right? The answer may surprise you…