10 common French verbs conjugated in the present tense. Beware of traps!

voilà your crash course in common French verbs. These are the top 10 verbs you'll need to conjugate in the present tense, along with some traps to watch out for. By the end of this post, you'll be a pro at conjugating French verbs!

Are you studying French and trying to get a handle on all the different verb conjugations? Well, you’re not alone. It can be tough to keep track of all the different forms, especially when some of them seem to be traps just waiting to trip you up.
Here are 10 common French verbs conjugated in the present tense, along with some potential traps to watch out for. With a little practice, you’ll be speaking like a native in no time!

What is the “futur proche” and when do you have to use it in French?

So there you have it - futur proche in a nutshell! This tense is used to talk about things that will happen relatively soon, so it's perfect for everyday conversations. If you're interested in learning more about French grammar (or just want to impress your friends), be sure to check out our other posts. And if you're ready to start speaking French today, why not try one of our free online courses? Bon courage et à bientôt!

I’m sure you all know that in English, we use the future tense to talk about things that will happen in the future. But did you know that French has a similar construction? In fact, there are a few different ways to say “future” in French, and each one has a slightly different meaning. So if you’re planning on learning French in the near future (or just want to impress your friends), keep reading for a quick lesson on the future tense – futur proche – in French!