Who are the most popular French YouTubers?

Students, like people all over the world, are obsessed with YouTube. They love watching their favorite YouTubers’ videos and learning from them. But who are the most popular French YouTubers? Let’s take a look at some of the most-watched channels in France.

If you’re a French student, you’ve probably watched a lot of YouTube videos to help improve your language skills. But who are the most popular French YouTubers? And what kind of content do they produce? In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the most popular French YouTubers and discuss the type of content they produce. We’ll also give you some tips on how to improve your French by watching YouTube videos. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

French verb moods

Howdy, French students! In this post, we're going to learn about verb moods in French. But don't worry – we won't just be learning about them, we'll also be practicing how to use them! ;) So put on your thinking caps and let's get started.

Hey French students! How’s your verb mood game? Verb moods are definitely one of the trickier aspects of the French language, but with a little practice you’ll be able to nail them like a pro! In this post, we’ll take a look at some of the most common verb moods in French and how they’re used. So put on your thinking caps and let’s get started!

FAQ on the DELF French exam

Are you planning to take the DELF French exam? If so, you're in luck! I've put together a list of the most commonly asked questions about the DELF French exam. Plus, I've included some tips to help you prepare for the test. Keep reading for all the details!

Are you gearing up to take the DELF French exam? Fear not, my young learner! I am here to provide you with some FAQ on this popular test. In this blog post, I will answer some of the most commonly asked questions about the DELF French exam. So, read on and get all the info you need to ace this test! Bonne chance !

How to use “en” and “y” pronoun in French?

How to use "en" and "y" pronoun in French? The pronoun en to replace a quantity. The pronoun en to replace what is after "de...". The pronoun y to replace a place. The pronoun y to replace what is after "à..."

I know that the French pronouns “en” and “y” are not always easy to use in French! Especially since you also need to know the French tonic pronouns and French indirect pronouns if you want to make sure you don’t make any mistakes.

In this post, I explain everything about the pronouns EN and Y. And as always, you’ll find the Little Bonus PDF with the lesson summary and exercises with the correction to practice.

French Vocabulary of Drinks

What better way to learn French vocabulary than by learning words related to your favorite drink? In this blog post, we'll go over some popular terms for drinks in French. Whether you're looking for a new word to order your next café au lait or margarita, keep reading for some essential vocab!

As a French teacher, I often get asked about French vocabulary related to drinks. So, today, I thought I would share some of the most common words and expressions related to drinks in French! Keep reading for a list of terms that will help you order your favorite beverage like a pro in France! Bonne dégustation !

Difference between DONT and DUQUEL in French

What's the difference between DONT and DUQUEL? Most students think there is no difference, but there actually is a big difference! I'm going to explain the difference between these two words, so you can use them correctly in your French conversations! Stay tuned!

So, you’re trying to learn French and you come across the words “dont” and “duquel”. They both look like they mean the same thing, but they don’t – so what’s the difference? Nestled within the complicated world of French grammar is this little gem – a duo of tiny words that can throw even the most seasoned student for a loop. Let’s take a closer look at these tricky little guys, and see if we can’t clear up any confusion.

French Exam DELF B1: Everything You Need to Know

Hey students! Do you have your DELF B1 French exam coming up soon? If so, you're in luck, because I'm here to give you all the information you need to know about the exam. In this post, I'll outline what the test consists of, what topics you'll be tested on, and how to best prepare for it. So read on, and good luck! :)

Bonjour à tous ! I am sure many of you are currently in the process of studying for your DELF B1 exam. I know how daunting this task can be, but don’t worry, I am here to help. In this post, I will go over everything you need to know about the exam, from the format to the topics that will be covered. So whether you’re a first-time taker or a seasoned pro, read on for all the essential info!

How the bag company “I speak fluent french” has released a new collection of bags?

I hope all of you are having a great summer! It's hard to believe that the school year is just around the corner. I'm excited to start the year with a new collection of bags from "I speak fluent french." The designs are amazing, and I know the students will love them. Stay tuned for more information on when they will be available. Have a great day!

Do you remember “I speak fluent french”? The company that made those colorful, affordable bags that we all seemed to love? Well, they’re back with a new collection of stylish bags and I’m obsessed. If you’re looking for a new bag to take to school or work, you need to check out their latest designs. Not only are the bags chic and trendy, but they’re also super affordable. So what are you waiting for? Head over to their website and start browsing! You won’t regret it.

In France, are discussions at the coffee machine more important than meetings?

In France, are discussions at the coffee machine more important than meetings?

The French speak and write their own language in a way that is unique to them. The informal moment, when you speak with your colleagues or friends at the coffee machine for example, is often more important than official meetings. We will explore some of the secrets of speaking and writing informal French: what makes it different from English and how it can be applied in business settings.